ASWAN INTERNATIONAL ENGINEERING – One stop shop for your repair/recertification requirements of Annular and Ram BOPs under API 16AR.

All equipment are re-manufactured to OEM standards and restored to like-new condition at a competitive price and with the best lead-time in the industry. Equipped with a fleet of CNC and latest technology Aswan is capable of taking on almost all types of technical challenges in terms of chrome plating, machining and welding.

As part of our long-term strategy to achieve growth and diversification, we have recently more than doubled its size, added new products and services to our portfolio as well.


Repair and Recertification of Ram & Annular BOPs

We are your one stop shop for your repair and recertification requirements of Annular and Ram BOP’s under API 16AR.


Repair and Recertification of BOP Accumulator unit

With our years of expertise and senior service tech engineers we cater to repair, recertification, rebuild and upgrade of BOP Accumulators in accordance with API 16D.


Manufacturing & Recertification of Manifolds

ASWAN manifolds are designed, manufactured and rectified in conformance with API 6A, 16C and API Standard 53, coupled with customer requirements. Manifolds are available in working pressures up to 15,000 psi and are rated for sour gas service.

Spec and configuration offered:

  • Standpipe Manifold
  • Cement Manifold
  • Choke and Kill Manifold

To Know More

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    Pressure Control Group (PCG)